  1. Winding Down

    1. FEC report and Campaign Debt
    2. Getting out those thank-you notes
    3. Disconnecting phones
    4. Web page, emails, etc.
  1. Address to State Committee
  2. Are you on Tom Allen's email list?
  3. On the Personal Front

  1. Thanks to all of you who believed

  1. Time to pull out all the stops

  1. Time is Short! Help Get More Ads on TV!
  2. One endorsement in the hat, Two that should be
  3. Debates rebroadcast
  4. Help the Campaign, Reach Out NOW!

  1. Join us at a fun campaign fundraiser TONIGHT!
  2. The Debates Start Sunday! -- Join Us!
  3. Jean's profile in the BDN, and honorable mention in The Nation
  4. Help Put Our TV and Radio Ads on the air
  5. Policy Briefs

    1. Military Tribunal bill signed (with Snowe's support)
    2. Snowe's Iraq War Switch (Colin Powell 2003 column)
    3. Snowe and Slavick fail "choice" test
    4. Hay Bright and Slavick differ on immigration
  1. Help the Campaign, Reach Out NOW!

  1. Congress votes U.S. to be totalitarian state
  2. Dennis Kucinich is Coming Oct. 9!
  3. Help frame the debate
  4. Bangor anti-war rally
  5. Money update, TV Ads & Houseparties
  6. Volunteers needed NOW!
  7. Upcoming events

  1. Policy Briefs

    1. Torture
    2. Reimportation of prescription drugs
    3. Cuts in veterans benefits a threat to our national security
  1. Dennis Kucinich is Coming Oct. 9!
  2. Money update
  3. Volunteers needed NOW!
  4. Recent events
  5. Upcoming events

  1. Chaffee RI win bodes well for Maine race
  2. Snowe hires Swift Boat media firm
  3. Subject -- The Debates
  4. House Parties
  5. Signs, lapel stickers, palm cards, oh my!
  6. Calendar of upcoming events

  1. MainePulse Survey: Snowe at 53%
  2. Join us Tuesday at Maine Victory 2006 Campaign Season Kick-Off
  3. Labor Day Events
  4. Endorsement Update
  5. Signs, bumper stickers, cards, oh my!
  6. Calendar of upcoming events

  1. Campaign and Fundraising Basics
  2. Action Alert: Internet Buzz
  3. Olympia Snowe: War Hawk
  4. Two Presidents, Two Judges, Two world views
  5. Israel/Lebanon update
  6. Calendar of upcoming events

  1. Jean calls for Cease-Fire in Middle East
  2. Barbara Boxer's PAC for Change
  3. Pro-Union and Pro-Labor
  4. Stem Cells
  5. Flag Pledge & the U.S. Supreme Court
  6. Democrats are Fiscally Responsible
  7. We need your help, now more than ever
  8. Calendar of upcoming events

  1. Action Alert - Barbara Boxer's PAC for Change
  2. The Parades, the Peas Candidate
  3. Dueling protests in Blue Hill
  4. Reading of the Names in Portland
  5. Don't Waste Your Vote on Republicans
  6. We need your help, now more than ever
  7. Calendar of upcoming events

  1. Events in Washington
    1. Out of Iraq
    2. Election Year and the Minimum Wage
    3. Estate Tax
    4. Flag-Burning Amendment
  1. Post-Primary Overview
  2. Calling All Momentum!

  1. Primary Election June 13, 2006
  2. Bangor Daily News Endorsement
  3. Dennis Kucinich personal endorsement
  4. Convention a Huge Success!

  1. Convention Update
  2. ImpeachPAC Endorsement
  3. Read the Maine Sunday Telegram Profile on Jean
  4. Gen. Hayden's endorsement a cause for concern
  5. Primary Election June 13, 2006

  1. Slavick to split progressive vote with US Senate candidacy
  2. Deaths in Iraq
  3. Immigration policy posted
  4. Campaign Finances
  5. Calendar of Upcoming Events

  1. Olympia Snowe is losing momentum
  2. Iraq War Town Meeting April 21
  3. It's been busy around here
  4. Web Page Redesign
  5. Campaign Finances
  6. Calendar of Upcoming Events

  1. Portland Press Herald reader poll: WE'VE GOT MOMENTUM
  2. Welcome Home 152nd Maintenance Company
  3. Four candidate "debates" already under our belts
  4. Labor Position Paper
  5. Web Page Redesign
  6. Campaign Finances
  7. Calendar of Upcoming Events

  1. The primary has begun - Send Money
  2. Issues updates

    1. Snowe's caving in on President's wiretapping
    2. Dubai ports deal
    3. Food Safety law passed by House
    4. Add depleted uranium to Iraq War issues
    5. Impeachment, censure, yes
  1. New radio ads
  2. Upcoming events

  1. Rosa Parks
  2. Jean's campaign to host two Public Forums
  3. Trip to Washington last week
  4. Iraq War update
  5. Campaign finance update

  1. Judge John Roberts
  2. Collins: No experience necessary to be FEMA director
  3. Snowe can't get her own party to schedule a vote on her small business health plan
  4. Death and taxes

  1. Campaign Activity Ramping Up
  2. Web Page Growing
  3. Issues Comparison
  4. Fund-Raising