May 9, 2006
1. I do not support Bill Slavick's candidacy for U.S. Senate. In case you hadn't heard, William Slavick of Portland, 79, has been collecting signatures to get on the November ballot as an unenrolled U.S. Senate candidate. If he submits 4,000 verified signatures to the Secretary of State by early June, his name will appear on the November ballot along with that of Olympia Snowe and the Democratic nominee, hopefully me. Reports indicate Bill will succeed in that effort. Unfortunately, in the process of collecting those signatures, Bill apparently has been telling people, including some of my avid supporters, that his U.S. Senate bid will help my campaign against Olympia Snowe. This is flatly not true, and I am concerned that people may have been signing his nomination papers thinking they are helping me out. Bill is well-known in some progressive circles, and he is sure to draw some supporters. His politics are close to mine. That being the case, Bill's name on the November ballot with mine can only hurt my effort to unseat Olympia Snowe, by splitting the progressive vote and allowing Snowe to return to Washington. Yes, Bill has every right to run. He wants to, and he can. And he certainly doesn't need my permission. I just question a political strategy that is destined to assure the very thing he most opposes. When I heard about his quest, I called him up. He told me not to worry, that Snowe is invincible, that no one could win against her, so his candidacy couldn't possibly make a difference in the outcome. He wants to be in the debates with Snowe, to contribute some points, maybe change the direction of the discussion. He chose not to run in the Democratic primary with me and Eric because he didn't think he could win the primary, and he really wants to debate Snowe. Running as an independent was the only way to guarantee that face-off. He also told me he didn't want to be a spoiler, so if the polls showed I was gaining on Snowe, he would pull out of the race. I pointed out that his name would still be on the ballot, people might not get the message that he didn't want them to vote for him, and did he really want to rely on polls to make that decision? He was unmoved. So folks, you heard it here first. This new development complicates our efforts, and means we will need you more than ever to topple Snowe. I trust you are up to the task. 2. Our hearts go out to the families of the military guardsmen from Maine killed and injured last weekend in Iraq. According to the Bangor Daily News, Staff Sgt. Dale James Kelly Jr., 48, of Richmond and Staff Sgt. David Michael Veverka, 25, a University of Maine student from Jamestown, Pa., were killed. The soldiers were members of B Company, 3rd Battalion of the 172nd Infantry regiment based in Brewer. The third soldier, Pvt. Christopher Fraser, 19, of Windsor, was seriously injured in the attack and was transferred to medical facilities in Landstuhl, Germany. 3. New Immigration Policy "...Here is my five-point plan to address this situation. Notice my plan says nothing about building walls along the border, making criminals of illegal immigrants or deporting people. Instead, I put the focus where I think it actually belongs, on American employers, be they corporations, businesses, or individuals hiring someone to work in a private home..." 4. Come On Public, Support This Campaign! All of you who think public financing of federal campaigns is the only way to get big money out of politics, here's the deal: YOU ARE THE PUBLIC! As you know, Maine's Clean Election Fund is not open to federal candidates (Congress and U.S. Senate). That means that my entire campaign has to be funded by YOU. If you like what you see in this campaign, and you want other people to learn about us so they will vote for me in the June primary, so I can win the nomination and go on to face Olympia Snowe in November, Our next FEC reporting period ends May 25. But most of the expenses for the primary have to be paid for before that. It's OK if you can't contribute anywhere near the maximum $2,100. You are not alone -- we haven't had anyone hit that figure yet. Our average contribution is between $50 and $100. Anything you can swing our way would be greatly appreciated. This is definitely a grassroots campaign, and the hundreds of people on our contributor list proves it. Thanks for all your support up to this point. We couldn't have gotten here without you. But we're getting down to the wire here, and we need your help -- for the first time, or again. You can help us reach out to voters, you can help us empower our fellow citizens, so that in June, and again in November, we can all be proud to Together we can do this. And thanks. Jean The treasurer says: The best way to help out is to send a personal check. When you do that we get 100 percent of the money because there are no handling fees. Send your check, made out to: JeanHayBright.US Senate and mail it, along with our Mail-in Contribution Form to: JeanHayBright.US Senate 4262 Kennebec Rd. Dixmont ME 04932 But if you prefer to make an online or credit card contribution, go to our Online Contribution Page. Online contributions to Jean's campaign can also be made through ActBlue.Com, Here. Credit card contributions can also be made off-line, with credit card information processed in the campaign office and deposited directly into the campaign's bank account. Fill out and mail in the Mail-in Contribution Form, and we'll take it from there. Or call us at one of our campaign numbers, and we'll take the information from you over the phone. Thanks. David Bright, treasurer 5. Calendar of Upcoming Events (Jean's calendar is constantly changing. Keep an eye on it Here) May 9, 2006 (Tuesday) -- Alamoosook Progressive Alliance, Orland Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Jean is the featured speaker May 16, 2006 (Tuesday) -- Candidate Debate/Forum, Sagadahoc County Democratic Committee, Patten Free Library, Washington St, Bath, 6-8 p.m. May 18, 2006 (Thursday) -- Kennebec County Democratic Committee, Augusta City Hall, 6:45 p.m. Meet the Candidates May 25, 2006 (Thursday) -- MPBN candidate debate, broadcast live on MPBN radio and television, 8 p.m. June 2-3, 2006 (Friday & Saturday) -- Democratic State Convention, Augusta Civic Center June 13, 2006 (Tuesday) -- Primary Election Day :: back to top