![]() September 13, 2006
1. Chaffee RI win bodes well for Maine race Maine's Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jean Hay Bright said Wednesday that Lincoln Chaffee's win in Tuesday's Rhode Island Republican primary bodes well for her race against Republican incumbent Sen. Olympia Snowe. 2. Snowe hires Swift Boat media firm Incumbent Republican U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe has hired Stevens Reed Curcio and Potholm of Alexandria, VA. as her media consultant, the same firm that boasts about its Swift Boat Veterans ads against John Kerry during the 2004 Presidential race. Snowe's hiring of this firm clearly shows that she supports the tactics that are their lifeblood. Any responsible politician would run away from any affiliation with this group. According to a Portland Press Herald news report in 2004, Stevens Reed Curcio and Potholm created a half-dozen ads for the Swift Boat Veterans, the advocacy group questioning the military credentials of Kerry, the decorated Vietnam veteran and Democratic senator from Massachusetts. "Extensive media coverage of the ads and factual disputes over the accusations helped erode Kerry's bounce in the polls after the Democratic National Convention," the PPH reported. "The controversy also drew criticism of the media firm from heavyweights such as Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who slammed the ads as 'dishonest and dishonorable.' " "Stevens" is Greg Stevens, who was once Olympia Snowe's chief of staff. "Potholm" is Erik Potholm, son of Christian Potholm, Bowdoin College professor of government, political pollster, and frequent political commentor. The elder Potholm earlier this summer strongly disparaged Jean Hay Bright's chances in this race, without revealing his son's financial and political connections with the incumbent Republican senator. Knowing their source, we expected distortions in Snowe's ads, and, in fact, that's what we're seeing in the ones that started airing last week. In this case, instead of taking good deeds and honorable facts and lying about their validity as they did with Kerry, the consulting company is taking Snowe's right-wing hawkish voting record and claiming positions that she does not hold. It is a feel-good ad that does not bear up under scrutiny. The ad claims that she supports women, yet she voted to send to the Supreme Court Judge Samuel Alito, the man who drew up an action plan to dismantle Roe v. Wade. She claims to be supporting drug benefits for seniors, yet she voted for Medicare Part D, knowing all the while that the bill did not allow negotiation of drug prices, knowing that the 'donut hole' would be devastating to low-income seniors. Snowe's new TV ad does not even mention the Iraq War. Nor does Snowe's ad mention that she is a Republican. Instead a soothing voice-over says she is "an independent voice." Snowe is running away from her party, but only in her ad. In reality, Congressional Quarterly shows her supporting the Bush agenda 82 percent of the time. Snowe is hiding from her voting record, from support for George Bush and from this disastrous war in Iraq. She must be called to account. We need your help, to put our own ads on the air, and to get ready for a video assault that we expect will come as our momentum builds in the coming weeks. This is a grassroots campaign. We've been chugging along on $25, $50, $100 contributions, with only a handful of checks coming in at $1,000 or more. So far, we've done a lot with what we've had to work with. But time is getting short. And TV ad time is not cheap. Snowe spent more than $40,000 to place her first ads. Please add your voice, and your contribution, to the mix, in this very important race. Click HERE to see how to contribute to this campaign. 3. Subject -- The Debates Debates and forums are in the process of being scheduled. So far, here's what's on our calendar:
4. House Parties We're also fitting House, Headquarters and Lawn Parties into the schedule. Here are a few that are coming up:
5. Signs, lapel stickers, palm cards, oh my! All county Democratic Party offices are now stocked with our lawn signs and bumper stickers (four styles to pick from). Lapel buttons, lapel stickers and palm cards have come in and we're getting them out to the county headquarters. Let us know if you need a supply of campaign materials for a special event you are hosting. We're down to less than 8 weeks of campaigning. Name recognition is so important. So put on those bumper stickers and put out those lawn signs (on private property). Wear a lapel button. Pass out brochures or palm cards to your friends, co-workers, neighbors. And do it NOW. Don't wait until October. NOW, we need to build our reserves for the media campaign in the coming weeks. Its Time to Ramp Up What we'll be able to accomplish in the next few weeks depends on how much money comes in to the kitty. Send what you can, ask your friends to help. It's So Important! We Need to Convince People that a vote for Jean is a Vote for the America We All Want To Live In! Click HERE to see how to contribute to this campaign 6. Calendar - Partial list of campaign events. (If you know of an event Jean should attend, please email us). September 15, 2006 (Friday) - Meet Maine's Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Open House, Waldo County Democrats Headquarters, Belfast, 3-5:30 p.m. September 16, 2006 (Saturday) - Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Marriott at Sable Oaks, South Portland, 5-9 p.m. JOIN US AT JEAN'S HOSPITALITY SUITE IN THE HOTEL AFTER THE DINNER UNTIL 11:30 P.M. September 17, 2006 (Sunday) - September 18, 2006 (Monday) - Seacoast Democratic Alliance Lobster Bake, Eliot 6 p.m. September 22-23, 2006 (Friday-Saturday) - Common Ground Fair, Unity September 23, 2006 (Saturday) - Androscoggin County Democratic Committee Annual Awards Dinner, Fireside Inn, 1777 Washington St, Auburn, of Turnpike exit 75. 6-10 p.m. September 24, 2006 (Sunday) - The Deer Isle/Stonington Candidates' Forum, Deer Isle, 3 p.m. September 25, 2006 (Monday) - September 26, 2006 (Tuesday) - United Bikers of Maine Candidates' Night, Pat's Pizza, Ellsworth, 7 p.m. September 28, 2006 (Thursday) - The Ogunquit Democrat Committee Pot Luck Supper, Dunaway Center on School Street, 5:30-9 p.m. September 30, 2006 (Saturday) - :: back to top |