May 31, 2006
1. Gearing up for the Democratic Convention Friday and Saturday (June 2 & 3) at the Augusta Civic Center Set up help needed... We can start putting up Jean's signs inside the Augusta Civic Center at noon tomorrow (Thursday), June 1. We need many volunteers to help with this project. If you can be at the Augusta Civic Center at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, please respond immediately so we'll have a count as to how many are coming. We'll need another set up crew on Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. so we'll be ready to put up signs outside the Civic Center at 8 a.m. Same deal, let us know if you can make it. Our Booth at the Augusta Civic Center is in the main lobby, just to the right of the stairs. Several people have volunteered to staff the booth, but we can always use more. Consider it a good place to hang out. It's really close to the convention hall so you can keep track of what's going on. Our Hospitality Suite at the Holiday Inn We've booked a hospitality suite in the Holiday Inn, just across the drive from the Augusta Civic Center, for both Friday and Saturday nights. It will be located in the Hotel's York Room, which is on the first floor between the hotel lobby and the Ground Round restaurant. We're going to stock it with all-Maine food (except for the coffee, which will be free-trade and organic). The suite is just off the Holiday Inn lobby, and will be open Friday night from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 6 to 9 p.m. Jean's Speech is Saturday morning at 11 a.m. We'll need LOTS of folks to escort her into the hall, cheer on her speech, and escort her back out after the speech. Check in at the booth when you arrive either Friday night or Saturday morning so we can get people lined up. This is where we rock the vote, so don't miss it. 2. Jean Endorsed by national ImpeachPAC ImpeachPAC, a federal PAC funding pro-impeachment candidates for Congress, has announced its first endorsement of a candidate for the Senate, Jean Hay Bright of Maine, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican incumbent Olympia Snowe. In addition to the national endorsement, ImpeachPAC pledged to send $2,100 to her campaign. 3. "Windmills or War, take your pick." Read Bart Jansen's U.S. Senate campaign piece and the profile on Jean in the May 28, 2006 Maine Sunday Telegram. 4. Hayden vote latest example of Senate ignoring Bush Administration wrong doing The Senate's confirmation May 26, 2006, of Gen. Michael Hayden to be the new CIA director is the latest troubling example of a weak and ineffective Senate willing to look the other way in the face of strong evidence of Constitutional wrong-doing by the Bush Administration... 5. June 13, 2006 (Tuesday) -- Primary Election Day The treasurer says: Thanks so much to the hundreds of you who have contributed to our campaign so far. But it's not over yet! Our campaign cannot succeed without your continuing (or first-time) financial support! The best way to help out is to send a personal check. When you do that we get 100 percent of the money because there are no handling fees. Send your check, made out to: JeanHayBright.US Senate and mail it, along with our Mail-in Contribution Form to: JeanHayBright.US Senate 4262 Kennebec Rd. Dixmont ME 04932 But if you prefer to make an online or credit card contribution, go to our Online Contribution Page. Online contributions to Jean's campaign can also be made through ActBlue.Com, Here. Credit card contributions can also be made off-line, with credit card information processed in the campaign office and deposited directly into the campaign's bank account. Fill out and mail in the Mail-in Contribution Form, and we'll take it from there. Or call us at one of our campaign numbers, and we'll take the information from you over the phone. Thanks. David Bright, treasurer :: back to top