June 9, 2006
1. Primary Election Next Tuesday! We're down to the wire here folks!
Please contact 10 people and urge them to join us in our effort to take back our country. If each of you does that, if each of you and each of your friends votes for the America we all want to live in, we will win this primary, and we will go on to win in November. Thank you all for all of your support and all of your work and contributions the past 17 months that I've been on the campaign trail. I couldn't have gotten this far without you. Here are some of the places I will show up the next few days, as I continue to campaign around the state: June 11, 2006 (Sunday) - Sagadahoc Spring Social, Meet the Candidates - West Bath Firehouse, 3-5 pm June 11, 2006 (Sunday) - Jean Hay Bright House Party, home of Bob & Craigen Healy - 71 Pratt Mountain Road, New Vineyard, 6:30-8pm For directions, call 652-2377 June 12, 2006 (Monday) - WGAN-560AM radio call-in with Mike & Ken, Portland, 7-8 a.m. Call-in number 879-9426 June 13, 2006 (Tuesday) - WRFR-93.3 Radio Free Rockland, radio interview with Gilliad Munden, 7-7:30am 2. Bangor Daily News Endorses Jean! "...Jean Hay Bright, on the other hand, is already well-known among Democrats, and she has a firm grasp of Maine politics and is a strong defender of her party's ideals. ...Jean Hay Bright is a good choice." 3. Hay Bright endorsed by Congressman Dennis Kucinich In urging Maine Democrats to support her nomination in the June 13 primary, Kucinich said, "Jean can win in November because Maine is ready to vote for peace and sustainability." 4. Last Weekend's Maine Democratic Party Convention was a Huge Success! Thanks go out to everyone who made the MDP convention this weekend a huge hit. My speech Saturday, June 3, 2006, was well-received. People loved our booth with the long and contantly growing list of supporters. And our hospitality suite both Friday and Saturday nights at the Holiday Inn, featuring Maine grown and organic food and drink, was a great success. A Word from the Treasurer: Thanks so much to the hundreds of you who have contributed to our campaign so far. But it's not over yet! We still need your financial support! Send your check, made out to: JeanHayBright.US Senate and mail it, along with our Mail-in Contribution Form to: JeanHayBright.US Senate 4262 Kennebec Rd. Dixmont ME 04932 But if you prefer to make an online or credit card contribution, go to our Online Contribution Page. Online contributions to Jean's campaign can also be made through ActBlue.Com, Here. Credit card contributions can also be made off-line, with credit card information processed in the campaign office and deposited directly into the campaign's bank account. Fill out and mail in the Mail-in Contribution Form, and we'll take it from there. Or call us at one of our campaign numbers, and we'll take the information from you over the phone. Thanks. David Bright, treasurer :: back to top