November 2, 2005
1. Rosa Parks By honoring Rosa Parks with a memorial service in the Capital Rotunda last weekend, Congress has not only paid its respects to a wonderful woman, but has recognized that one doesn't have to be a head of state or a warrior to make a difference in this country. The woman who has come to be known as the mother of the civil rights movements was not a politician, nor a high-placed leader in the movement. She was a seamstress, and served as secretary of her local NAACP chapter. She was a volunteer. A worker-bee. A grass root. But on Dec. 1, 1955, that grass root blossomed into a beautiful flower of freedom, when Rosa Parks simply and politely refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to a White man. That pure act of civil disobedience remains today at the heart of the civil rights and anti-war movements. Rosa Parks so clearly demonstrated that even simple individual acts of conscience - seemingly small acts - can make a big difference. Rest in peace, Rosa. 2. Two public forums My campaign will be hosting two public forums in the coming weeks. I want to give Maine voters an opportunity to hear where I stand on the issues and to talk with me about their concerns. The events are free and open to the public, but contribution envelopes will be available for those who want to show their support that way. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome. November 5, 2005, 2 to 4 p.m. - Sheepscot Lake Fish and Game clubhouse, Route 3, Palermo, about midway between Belfast and Augusta. Host for this event is Ellie Budzko of Palermo. For more information call 993-2490. This is the link to the announcement that ran in the Kennebec Journal Nov. 2, 2005. 3. Interesting trip to Washington Last week I was in Washington, DC, a U.S. Senate candidate making the rounds to Democratic, environmental, peace, and women's groups as part of my campaign to unseat Republican Senator Olympia Snowe in 2006. While I was there, a lot was happening on the political scene.
![]() 4. Iraq War update The indictment of I. Lewis Libby in the Valerie Plame/CIA exposure is cutting to the heart of the Bush administration's credibility about the Iraq War. The entire case for war has crumbled, in the very week that the 2,000th military death in Iraq was marked. But why have people been so reluctant to recognize the dynamic that has been so obvious for so long? I think part of the problem is that some people have a hard time admitting that the President of the United States, the ultimate patriarch figure, could really be so destructive, so mean, so ignorant, so manuplative, and so wrong on so many things. It is hard for people to admit they made a mistake by trusting him. It's not what we were brought up to believe. We were taught to trust our public officials, from the cop on the beat to the President, because it was their job to protect us and they must know more about important things than we could ever imagine, so we shouldn't question them. But that has got to change if we are to rescue our America from the Republicans and a White House that are running the country into the ground. We not only need to know the truth, but in a democracy we must insist that the wrong-doers be appropriately punished. Compromising a CIA operative is a very serious offense, possibly even treasonous. This is not an issue that should be swept under the rug, no matter how much George Bush and the Republicans in Congress want to put it there. 5. From the Treasurer: Financing the campaign Olympia Snowe already has more than a million-dollar head start in this election cycle, with contributions from the likes of Halliburton, General Dynamics, many insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and lots of folks from MBNA. We are finding that Jean's supporters by and large have deep concerns over where this country is headed, but they do not have deep pockets. So we need lots more of them, lots more of you, to give what you can to catch us up. Contributions this fourth quarter have been coming in a little faster than in the previous two quarters, thanks to all of you who have added this campaign to your "to do" list. With a few notable exceptions, contributions are still primarily on the small side ($20 to $100), but they are adding up. We've already had more come in this quarter than during the entire third quarter (July through September). Thanks so much, and keep them coming. If you like what you see in Jean's campaign, and if you want her to launch an effective campaign against Maine's entrenched Republican Senator, please do what you can to help out with the bottom line. Print out the contribution form on the web and mail your check or credit card information to: JeanHayBright.US Senate 2006 4262 Kennebec Road Dixmont ME 04932 And thanks. David Bright, treasurer :: back to top