May 1, 2006
1. Olympia Snowe is losing momentum In our last Campaign Update, we told you about the April 14, 2006, Portland Press Herald on-line reader poll asking "Who is your choice for U.S. Senate," in which I drew 30 percent to Olympia Snowe's 56 percent, out of 1,100 "votes" cast. See Poll Here. We pointed out that those were remarkable numbers, considering it was two months before the contested Democratic primary, that Olympia Snowe is supposed to be the most popular Senator in the country, and that my campaign has been working with about 1 percent of Olympia Snowe's campaign assets. We declared that "We've Got Momentum!" A second indication that Snowe's popularity is waning showed up in Thursday's Bangor Daily News, with a report about a Parade Magazine/White House Project online survey of eight possible women candidates for president in 2008. Both of Maine's Senators, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, were among the eight women -- and only eight women -- on that list. That online survey, in which 400 Mainers "voted," Collins received 48 percent of the Maine vote, while Snowe got a mere 21 percent from her constituents. It is not surprising that 69 percent of Maine "voters" would pick a Maine Senator in this poll. What is interesting is that Snowe, in her home state, drew only two votes for every five for Collins. Sen. Hillary Clinton was not far behind Snowe in Maine, pulling 17 percent of the "votes." (Nationally, with more than 14,000 people "voting," Maine's two senators were at the bottom, with Snowe at 3 percent and Collins at 4 percent.) Nowhere in the BDN article, or in the Parade Magazine article in today's (April 30) Maine Sunday Telegram, do they tell you just how these eight women, four Democrats and four Republicans, came to be on this exclusive list. Maine's two Senators joined Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on the Republican side. Democrats were Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin. Notice the list includes three Republican Senators, but only one Democratic Senator. You would think that a list like that would have balanced two women Republican Senators from one state on the East Coast with the two Democratic Senators from one state on the West Coast -- namely Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Diane Feinstein of California. Sen. Clinton, of course, has outstanding name recognition, but the other Democrats named to this list are not national figures. (If you were asked to name the governors of Kansas and Arizona, and the mayor of Atlanta, could you do it?) So despite this list being skewed in favor of Republicans with broad name recognition, nationally Snowe still came in behind all those Democrats and all the other Republicans -- dead last. Interesting, isn't it? 2. Iraq War Town Meeting University of Southern Maine - Portland Billed as a listening session for our political leaders, this event was hosted by about 40 organizations, and more than 400 people turned out, to listen and to talk about their frustrations, their hopes, and our options. The people who did NOT attend were the invited guests -- Gov. John Baldacci, plus all the members of Maine's Congressional delegation (Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, Congressmen Tom Allen and Mike Michaud) -- although both Congressmen sent staffers. I was among the 60 or so people who spent three minutes at the microphones set up to take comments. The focus of my remarks was to urge people to vote for the politicians who shared their views, on the Iraq War and on other issues, as the only way we now have of changing the dynamic in Washington. Other candidates among the speakers were Chris Miller, Democrat for Governor; Pat LaMarche, Green Independent for Governor; and Dexter Kamiliewitz, Independent for Congress, 1st CD. 3. It's been busy around here The campaign schedule, always heavy, is actually picking up. I'm really putting the miles on my 1993 American-made Saturn. It now boasts more than 305,000 miles under its belt, and it's still getting between 35 and 40 miles per gallon.
4. Our Web Page has been Redesigned Our web page is undergoing a major renovation, thanks to the talented efforts of our new webmaster, Alisha Langerman. We've started switching over to the new design, we're still tweaking the links and some internal coding. We hope you like the results. 5. Come On Public, Support This Campaign! All of you who think public financing of federal campaigns is the only way to get big money out of politics, here's the deal: YOU ARE THE PUBLIC! So far, using Scott Nearing's famous mantra, "PAY AS YOU GO," we've been able to cover everything (printing brochures and bumber stickers, office expenses like postage, copy paper, toner, phone bills, etc.) with the contributions we've received from you -- everything that is, except my travel expenses in that great 1993 American-made Saturn with 305,000 miles on it. Because of FEC regulations, those travel expenses are now listed as loans from the candidate, the only loans we've made to this campaign -- and the only loans we will be able to make to this campaign. Now, with the Democratic primary only six weeks away, we have more expenses, new expenses, one-time expenses, and repeat expenses coming up. Buttons, bumper stickers, brochures, lawn signs, etc. We're hoping to do a few mailings. And then we've got the June 2-3 Democratic Convention expenses, for the booth in the lobby of the Civic Center and the hospitality suite in the Holiday Inn across the road. Followed by the get-out-the-vote expenses facing us in just a few short weeks. Also, radio and television ads. As you know, radio and television ads are costly, but essential. We've had radio ads on Air America in Portland on and off since January, and they've been very effective. I'll be taping new ones this week. Help us keep them on the air, and to expand to other stations. If we get enough money, we have volunteers ready to tape television ads. With today's technology, the cost is in the air time, not in the production time -- especially when you've got such talented volunteers like we do. If you like what you see in this campaign, and you want other people to learn about us so they will vote for me in the June primary, so I can win the nomination and go on to face Olympia Snowe in November, Our next FEC reporting period ends May 25. But most of the expenses for the primary have to be paid for before that. It's OK if you can't contribute anywhere near the maximum $2,100. You are not alone -- we haven't had anyone hit that figure yet. Our average contribution is between $50 and $100. Anything you can swing our way would be greatly appreciated. This is definitely a grassroots campaign, and the hundreds of people on our contributor list proves it. Thanks for all your support up to this point. We couldn't have gotten here without you. But we're getting down to the wire here, and we need your help -- for the first time, or again. You can help us reach out to voters, you can help us empower our fellow citizens, so that in June, and again in November, we can all be proud to Together we can do this. And thanks. Jean The treasurer says: The best way to help out is to send a personal check. When you do that we get 100 percent of the money because there are no handling fees. Send your check, made out to: JeanHayBright.US Senate and mail it, along with our Mail-in Contribution Form to: JeanHayBright.US Senate 4262 Kennebec Rd. Dixmont ME 04932 But if you prefer to make an online or credit card contribution, go to our Online Contribution Page. Online contributions to Jean's campaign can also be made through ActBlue.Com, Here. Credit card contributions can also be made off-line, with credit card information processed in the campaign office and deposited directly into the campaign's bank account. Fill out and mail in the Mail-in Contribution Form, and we'll take it from there. Or call us at one of our campaign numbers, and we'll take the information from you over the phone. Thanks. David Bright, treasurer 6. Calendar of Upcoming Events (Jean's calendar is constantly changing. Keep an eye on it Here) May 4, 2006 (Thursday) -- Documentary film "Why We Fight," directed by Eugene Jarecki - Eveningstar Cinema, Maine Street, Brunswick, 7:30 p.m., discussion with candidates for Congress and Senate following the screening. May 16, 2006 (Tuesday) -- Candidate Debate/Forum, Sagadahoc County Democratic Committee - Patten Free Library, Washington St, Bath, 6-8 p.m. May 18, 2006 (Thursday) -- Kennebec County Democratic Committee, Augusta City Hall, 6:45 p.m. Meet the Candidates May 25, 2006 (Thursday) -- MPBN candidate debate, broadcast live on MPBN radio and television, 8 p.m. :: back to top