September 3, 2006
1. MainePulse Survey: Snowe at 53% Results of a MainePulse survey, released Friday, showed Maine's incumbent Republican Senator Olympia Snowe with only 53% of likely voters saying they would vote for her. Snowe's numbers in the latest MainePulse survey were significantly lower than her job approval rating of 72% in a March MainePulse tally, and were also down considerably from three Rasmussen polls taken this summer, in which her likely-vote totals hovered around 66%. 2. Join us Tuesday at Maine Victory 2006 Campaign Season Kick-Off You are invited to a Maine Victory 2006 Campaign Season Kick-Off press conference at Southern Maine Community College, Spring Point, Fort Preble, 2 Fort Road, South Portland, Tuesday, Sept. 5, at 9:30 a.m. Please join Governor John Baldacci, Congressman Tom Allen, Congressman Mike Michaud, U.S. Senate candidate Jean Hay Bright, Democratic Party Chair Ben Dudley, members of the state's Democratic Leadership and legislative candidates as Maine's Democrats outline their 2006 campaign agenda to Keep Maine Blue. Democrats will highlight their 2006 campaign agenda of honest leadership and tough budget discipline, as the party that offers real solutions for all Maine people. Democrats work to create economic opportunity and security by ensuring access to affordable health care and alternative energy, good jobs, and a secure retirement. Democrats in Maine will continue to prioritize the common good, and:
3. Jean's Labor Day Events Southern Maine Labor Council, AFL-CIO Annual Labor Day Breakfast, at Verrillo's on Riverside Street in Portland, near Maine Turnpike exit 48. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Labor Day, Monday, September 4. Governor John Baldacci, Congressman Tom Allen, and U.S. Senate candidate Jean Hay Bright will be among the guests. "But the breakfast is really a salute to all working people, especially this year's honored guests, Kathy and Frank Kadi," Council President Peter Kellman said. "Kathy and Frank are longtime activists whose dedication to working people and their families has earned them the love and respect of the labor community." In addition, The Southern Maine Labor Council is proud to announce that Ralph Fasanella' s breathtakingly beautiful painting "Red Sky" will be on exhibit for this very special occasion. Fasanella's 1976 painting depicting a prototypical New England "mill building at night with this charged red sky behind it stands as moving testament to all the blood and sweat given by the workers on the inside," according to Suzette Lane McAvoy, curator of the Farnsworth Museum at the time the painting was purchased by the working people of Maine in 1989. Labor Day at the Eastern Maine Labor Council, at the Solidarity Center, 20 Ivers Street, Brewer, Monday, September 4. According to Jack McKay, President of the Eastern Maine Labor Council (EMLC), AFL-CIO, speeches will begin at 2:30 p.m., with food, including homemade lamb stew, served at 4 p.m. Working people of Eastern Maine, area union members and supporters will be joined by Governor Baldacci, Congressman Mike Michaud, and U.S. Senate candidate Jean Hay Bright. Celebrate OUR day with friends and family, on the one day of the year reserved for Labor. Phone 207-989-4141 www.gbaclc.org WVII-TV Channel 7, Bangor, will have a pre-recorded half-hour of Labor Day comments by area candidates, in place of its 6 p.m., 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. nightly news. Each candidate was given three minutes of unedited time to say anything he or she chose. By substituting for the half-hour evening news, the pre-recorded broadcast will enable the WVII news crew to have the holiday off. WMPG-Radio, Portland, Blunt Youth Radio, with host Stephen Hebsen, 7:30 p.m. Jean will be interviewed about Iraq and her thoughts on getting the U.S. out of that quagmire. 4. Endorsement Update Last week a couple of blog items on some national sites discussing support - or lack thereof - for this campaign showed that there is some confusion as to who's on board with us. For the record: We are receiving solid support from within the state, from individuals and from the Democratic Party structure. The Maine Democratic Party is fully behind this campaign. In fact, the Maine Democratic State Committee in August passed a resolution in support of the campaign, as a signal to the Washington groups that they should get on board. The Hay Bright campaign is a full participant in Maine's Democratic Coordinated Campaign, which is being staffed and funded in large part by the Democratic National Committee. Under the leadership of Howard Dean, the DNC is providing staff help directly to all 50 state Democratic committees, including staffing in Maine. We are also working closely with the Baldacci, Allen and Michaud campaign teams. We are working with all the county and town committees, and with all the candidates for state house and county offices. But it's true, some national Democratic and progressive organizations that should be in our camp have not been very helpful or forthcoming. For instance, we are getting no support from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which is a separate operation from the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The DSCC is raising money in Maine for its own purposes, but, despite the organization's stated goal of helping to elect Democrats to the U.S. Senate, and despite crowing about raising more money than its Republican counterpart, has told us outright it will do nothing to help our campaign. The same is true of EMILY's List, which despite the fact that Jean is meets all its criteria -- that of being a Democratic pro-choice woman, and the nominee of her party -- has refused to help. We are pleased with our endorsement by ImpeachPAC. The People's Email Network has put out action alerts on our behalf and has raised us some money via ActBlue. Maine's Bangor and Brunswick chapters of Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Jean nearly a year ago, but we have not been officially endorsed by the National DFA. We have the Maine NOW endorsement, we met with the political director of National NOW PAC, and we expect to hear back from that organization in the next week or so. We met personally with the staff of Senator Feingold's ProgressivePatriot PAC in Washington several weeks ago, but we have not heard anything more. Many of these national progressive groups tell us they will meet in September to make endorsements. The late date is frustrating, but that's their schedule. Progressive Democrats of America has not endorsed us because its bylaws require that all endorsements come through a state chapter and there are no state chapters in Maine. Recognizing that conundrum, two PDA national organizers last week sent us their personal endorsements, and we will be announcing that shortly. We hope this clears up some of the confusion. And we'll keep you updated on any new developments. Of course, the endorsements that mean the most to us are the many, many personal statements of support we have gotten from people around the state and around the country. You can see many of those people listed on our website here. 5. Signs, bumper stickers, cards, oh my! We're down to the last 9 weeks of campaigning. Name recognition is so important. So put on those bumper stickers and put out those lawn signs (on private property). Wear a lapel button. Pass out brochures or palm cards to your friends, co-workers, neighbors. And do it NOW. Don't wait until October. Most county Democratic Party offices are now stocked with our lawn signs and bumper stickers (four color combinations to pick from). Lapel buttons have come in and we're getting them passed out. Lapel stickers and palm cards should arrive later this week. Let us know if you need a supply of campaign materials for a special event you are hosting. Next, we need to build our reserves for the media campaign in the coming weeks. Its Time to Ramp Up What we'll be able to accomplish in the next few weeks depends on how much money comes in to the kitty. Send what you can, ask your friends to help. It's So Important! We Need to Convince People that a vote for Jean is a Vote for the America We All Want To Live In! Click HERE for a link to the campaign contribution page. 6. Calendar - Partial list of campaign events. (If you know of an event Jean should attend, please email us). September 4, 2006 (Monday, Labor Day) - September 5, 2006 (Tuesday) - Maine Victory 2006 Campaign Kick-Off and Press Conference, Southern Maine Community College, South Portland, 9:30 a.m. September 8, 2006 (Friday) - HOUSE PARTY at the home of Karen Roos, 311 Branch Pond Road, Ellsworth, 4-6 p.m. Come meet Jean. And then go see Sample & Stookey, Live at the Grand Auditorium in Ellsworth, to benefit the Hancock County Democrats,7:30 p.m. September 9, 2006 (Saturday) - September 10, 2006 (Sunday) - September 12, 2006 (Tuesday) - Knox County Democratic Committee pot-luck supper and meeting, KCDC Headquarters, 6p.m. September 15, 2006 (Friday) - Meet Maine's Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Open House, Waldo County Democrats Headquarters, Belfast, 3-5:30 p.m. September 16, 2006 (Saturday) - Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Marriott at Sable Oaks, South Portland, 5-9 p.m. JOIN US AT JEAN'S HOSPITALITY SUITE IN THE HOTEL AFTER THE DINNER UNTIL 11:30 P.M. September 17, 2006 (Sunday) - September 18, 2006 (Monday) - Seacoast Democratic Alliance Lobster Bake, Eliot 6 p.m. September 22-23, 2006 (Friday-Saturday) - Common Ground Fair, Unity September 23, 2006 (Saturday) - Androscoggin County Democratic Committee Annual Awards Dinner, Fireside Inn, 1777 Washington St, Auburn, of Turnpike exit 75. 6-10 p.m. September 24, 2006 (Sunday) - The Deer Isle/Stonington Candidates' Forum, Deer Isle, 3 p.m. September 25, 2006 (Monday) - September 28, 2006 (Thursday) - The Ogunquit Democrat Committee Pot Luck Supper, Dunaway Center on School Street, 5:30-9 p.m. September 30, 2006 (Saturday) - :: back to top