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Maine has the chance on Nov. 7 to elect someone who will shift the direction Congress has paved during the past four years. Jean Hay Bright is that candidate.
Honorable Mention
in The Nation magazine, Nov. 6, 2006 (posted on-line
Oct. 19, 2006)
... Antiwar candidates on the ballot in November ... and Maine Democrat Jean Hay Bright, who's keeping the heat on supposedly moderate GOP Senator Olympia Snowe.
"...Jean Hay Bright, on the other hand, is already well-known among Democrats, and she has a firm grasp of Maine politics and is a strong defender of her party's ideals. ...Jean Hay Bright is a good choice."
Endorsements by Groups
or Organizations
The League
of Young Voters’ 2006 Endorsed Candidates
Maine Building Trades Council September 15, 2006 ImpeachPAC May 28, 2006 Maine NOW chapter July 2006 Maine chapter of the Veterans Party May 4, 2006 Democracy for America, Bangor chapter Sept. 8, 2006 Democracy for America, Brunswick Chapter Sept. 30, 2005 Personal Endorsements
of Note
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) June 1, 2006
Author Stephen King Sept. 9, 2006 -- "Keep Slugging" Tim Carpenter, National Director, Progressive Democrats of America Aug. 22, 2006 Laura Bonham, Progressive Democrats of America, Web Content Manager Aug. 23, 2006
"I endorse Jean Haybright for US Senate because Jean has a plan to end the occupation of Iraq, to procure healthcare for all, and to repair a badly broken immigration system. Jean is the right person in the right place at the right time for the people of Maine and all US citizens." Laura Bonham
October 31, 2006 - BDN Columnist John Buell endorses Jean Hay Bright
...There are many moderate Republicans in Maine increasingly opposed to the Iraq occupation. They could send a clear signal both on their position and on the centrality of the war by voting for Jean Hay Bright...
October 28, 2006 - What is going on here?
This week, both the Bangor Daily News and the Brunswick Times Record praised me profusely, criticized Snowe for her stances on basic issues like the Iraq War and protecting the Constitution -- and then both papers proceeded to endorse Snowe for reelection.
I've written op-ed rebuttals to the BDN and the BTR. You can read them here, I hope you will be able to read them in those papers in the next few days.
...But most disconcerting in this endorsement is the BDN's dismissal as just "troubling concessions" Snowe's willingness "to suspend habeas corpus rights for some detainees in the war on terrorism and to allow the president to define acceptable treatment." Those "concessions" are not minor issues. They speak to the very fabric of our nation.
...If you saw that a newspaper who looked at Snowe's support of President Bush, and saw that Snowe "has enabled his agenda in ways that are detrimental to a free people. When defending the U.S. Constitution, moderation can become capitulation," you would think that that newspaper might see Snowe's return to office as a threat to free people and the Constitution. Wrong again.
October 21, 2006 - Rockland Courier-Gazette endorses Jean Hay Bright
There is no larger issue facing the country than the Iraq War debacle that has dragged on for more than three years. The war has cost the lives of nearly 3,000 U.S. military personnel and caused life-altering injuries to many thousand more. This disastrous path can be changed only by electing new members to Congress. Maine has the chance on Nov. 7 to elect someone who will shift the direction Congress has paved during the past four years. Jean Hay Bright is that candidate.
September 15, 2006 - Maine Building Trades Council endorses Hay Bright in U.S. Senate race
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jean Hay Bright has received the unanimous endorsement of the Maine State Building & Construction Trades Council. The council, representing more than 5,500 Maine workers from 14 different trades, took the vote Thursday, according to John R. Hanson, the council's executive director. The council is affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
September 8, 2006 - DFA Bangor chapter endorses Jean Hay Bright
BANGOR (Sep 8): The Democracy for America (DFA) chapter in Bangor representing hundreds of DFA members throughout Northern Maine endorses Jean Hay Bright for the United States Senate. DFA/Bangor unanimously voted Wednesday night, September 6th, to endorse Jean for U.S. Senate.
June 6, 2006 - Bangor Daily News Endorses Jean
"...Jean Hay Bright, on the other hand, is already well-known among Democrats, and she has a firm grasp of Maine politics and is a strong defender of her party's ideals. ...Jean Hay Bright is a good choice."
June 1, 2006 - Hay Bright endorsed by Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Democratic U. S. Senate candidate Jean Hay Bright has received a convention-eve endorsement from Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). In urging Maine Democrats to support her nomination in the June 13 primary, Kucinich said, "Jean can win in November because Maine is ready to vote for peace and sustainability."
ImpeachPAC, a federal PAC funding pro-impeachment candidates for Congress, has announced its first endorsement of a candidate for the Senate, Jean Hay Bright of Maine, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican incumbent Olympia Snowe.
In the May issue of the Aroostook Democrats, published monthly for the Aroostook Democratic County Committee, editor Roger Roy personally endorsed Jean.
April 4, 2006 - Press Release: Veterans Party in Maine endorses peace activist in U.S. Senate race
"Hay Bright, author and organic farmer in Dixmont, said she was honored and pleased to receive the endorsement and support of the Veterans Party, particularly in view of the fact that she has been an active opponent of the Iraq War since before it started in 2003."
Jan. 2, 2006 Issue - The Nation Letter to the Editor:
Biddeford, Me. - Here in Maine we have a progressive, pro-peace candidate, Jean Hay Bright, running a grassroots campaign against Olympia Snowe for her Senate seat. Snowe, despite a reputation as a moderate, has consistently supported the Bush war. Jean is pro-peace, anti-torture, anti-surrendering our rights to government fear-mongering and for taking back the country. And thank you for your work to save our country. KATHLEEN HACKER
Nov. 18, 2005 - Irregular Times: Mother Davis endorses Jean Hay Bright
"Jean Hay Bright is no liberal-come-lately. She's been fighting for the traditional American values of liberty, justice, equality and compassion for decades now, and comes to the 2006 senatorial race in Maine having paid her dues."
Sept. 30, 2005 - Press Release: Bangor and Brunswick DFA chapters Endorse Jean!
Two of the three Maine chapters of Democracy for America announced this week that their groups had endorsed Jean Hay Bright for U.S. Senate in 2006.
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