U.S. Senate Candidate To Speak May 17
May 17, 2005
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee willhold its monthly meeting onTuesday, May 17, at 7 p.m. at the 911 Communications Building in Wiscasset. Jean Hay Bright, a candidate for U.S. Senate, will be the featured speaker. Bright, 57, of Dixmont is a writer, organic farmer, and long-time political activist in Maine. She moved to Maine in 1972 to homestead on land she and her now ex-husband bought from Helen and Scott Nearing. The mother of two now-grown children, she worked for the Bangor Daily News for 10 years as a reporter and Hancock County Bureau Chief before resigning to open Hays Farm Stand on her farm across from the Blue Hill Fairgrounds. In the early 1990s she got involved in politics, joining Congressman Tom Andrews Portland office as a legislative assistant in 1993. She ran for Congress in 1994 and for U.S. Senate in 1996, losing the Democratic primaries to John Baldacci and Joe Brennan. She is now married to David Bright and they have a 30-acre certified organic farm in Dixmont, where they grow raspberries and cherry tomatoes. Jean has written three books: Proud to Be a Card-Carrying, Flag-Waving, Patriotic American Liberal, (1996); A Tale of Dirty Tricks So Bizarre: Susan Collins v. Public Record (2002) and Meanwhile, Next Door to the Good Life (2003). She is a candidate for U.S. Senate in 2006, for the seat now held by Olympia Snowe. Fellow Democrats are invited to join town committee chairs and other memberstodiscussfundraising, policy development, and public events.Two members will be reporting on their recent experiences at Camp Wellstone, an activist training program. Bright will head a panel discussion on Transforming Opposition Into Effective Proactive Politics. Coffee and light refreshments are provided. Come make a difference! Those seeking more information about themeeting or about LCDC activities can contact the committees Corresponding Secretary, Bruce MacDonald of Boothbay, at 633-0570 bmacdonald@clinic.net or the Chair, Tim Nason of Dresden, at 737-8278 timnason@gwi.net. :: back to top