Jean Hay Bright Joins Veterans for Peace at Press Conference in Bangor
April 19, 2005
I congratulate Mike Michaud for adding his name to the list of co-sponsors of Lynn Woolsey's H. CON. RES. 35 "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should develop and implement a plan to begin the immediate withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from Iraq." The bill was introduced January 26th and has 30 co-sponsors, including Mike. I joined the committed crowd at the Peace and Justice Center in Bangor Tuesday morning, and announced that, were I a U.S. Senator, I would unhesitatingly sign onto that resolution. I support the Veterans for Peace in their efforts to promote this issue with our Congressmen and Senators. And I commend all those who met with Congressman Michaud that resulted in his co-sponsorship. After the press conference, the crowd broke up into three groups, to visit the Bangor offices of our Congressional Delegation. I of course went with the group to Olympia Snowe's office, where we presented our concerns and asked her, through a staff person, to sign onto that resolution. We also lent our names to the growing list of her constituents urging Snowe not to kill the filibuster, which her party is actively trying to do. |