Former Presidential Candidate Congressman Kucinich to stump for U.S. Senate candidate Hay Bright in Maine
October 2, 2006
Former Presidential candidate and current progressive Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich will be the featured speaker at a campaign rally and fundraiser for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jean Hay Bright on Monday, Oct. 9, at South Portland High School, 637 Highland Ave., South Portland. The event, being organized with the help of the South Portland High School Young Democrats, will begin at 5:30 p.m. The emcee for the night will be Maine humorist Robert Skoglund, known as The humble Farmer. Also at the event will be Andover, MA, peace activist and folk singer Pat Scanlon. A Vietnam veteran, Scanlon last performed in Maine at the anti-war rally and march in Kennebunkport on August 26. The event will be open to the public for no charge, with a suggested, but not mandatory, contribution to Hay Bright's campaign of $5 for students and $10 for adults. Also working with Hay Bright on the event is Lu Bauer of Standish, a Democratic candidate for Maine House of Representatives in District 103. Bauer is a clean election candidate and not accepting campaign contributions. She and David Bright, Hay Bright's husband, served as co-coordinators of the Maine Kucinich for President campaign in 2003 and 2004. Hay Bright was endorsed by Kucinich last spring, before the June primary. In announcing his endorsement, Kucinich said "The tide is beginning to turn nationally. Jean's election to the Senate will spark a new beginning not only in Maine, but across America.. Her courage and her heart are needed in the Senate. Jean can win in November because Maine is ready to vote for peace and sustainability." Hay Bright said she was honored that Rep. Kucinich would take time out from his own re-election campaign to come to Maine. "He is a powerful speaker, and I'm sure with all that is going on around the world and in Washington, he will deliver an important message," she said. Details on the South Portland event can be obtained by calling the Hay Bright campaign at 207-234-4224, or the Lu Bauer campaign at 207-892-6652. Following his South Portland presentation, Rep. Kucinich and his wife, Elizabeth, will travel to a non-campaign event in Wells, where Rep. Kucinich will be the keynote speaker at a forum on the topic: "The Constitution: Can It Be Saved?" That event at Wells High School, 200 Sanford Rd., Wells, starts at 7:30 p.m., and is sponsored by the Freedom Rousers, Seacoast Peace Response and Women in Black. For more information on the Wells event, contact Herb Hoffman at 646-5431. :: back to top