Jean Hay Bright, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate has filed her nomination papers, securing her spot on the ballot
March 8, 2006
Jean Hay Bright of Dixmont, writer, political activist, organic farmer, and Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, submitted 2,760 verified, certified signatures of Maine Democrats to the Secretary of State's office in Augusta today (March 8, 2006), securing her spot on the June 13 primary ballot. Hay Bright's petitions were filed a full week before the state's statutory deadline. Candidates for U.S. Senate must file a minimum of 2,000 signatures to get on the ballot, and cannot submit more than 3,000. Signatures could not be collected before Jan. 1, 2006, and must be filed by Wednesday, March 15, 2006. Hay Bright's stack of 413 separate petition forms held signatures from all of Maine's sixteen counties. More than 200 volunteers and caucus conveners collected signatures for the campaign from Democratic voters in more than 250 Maine cities and towns. No paid staff or paid circulators were used in the collection of these signatures. "I am gratified by the hard work of so many volunteers and supporters from all across the state who made this early and impressive filing possible," Hay Bright said. "Their enthusiasm and willingness to pitch in to get this critical job done gives me great hope for the success of my campaign in the June primary and again in November." The filing of nomination papers is the only state requirement for a candidate to appear on the Maine ballot. Federal candidates, for U.S. Senate and Congress, must also declare their candidacy and quarterly finance reports with the Federal Elections Commission, but that FEC filing has no bearing on the candidate's Maine ballot status. Hay Bright filed her FEC candidate declaration in May 2005. |