I want to be proud of America again
Bangor Daily News Op-Ed
November 22, 2005
Over the last five years of the Bush administration and the Republican control of both houses of Congress, we have been witnessing the disappearance of the America we grew up in. Remember that America? That was an America where we had shared American values, taught to us in our public schools:
Now, however, the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress are contending that unprovoked wars, torture, secret prisons, denying detainees access to our courts, are not only not shameful, but perfectly acceptable, done deliberately, and cannot be challenged by mere American citizens. President Bush claims his administration doesn't condone torture, yet he is ready to veto a major Pentagon spending bill if it contains an anti-torture provision. And Vice-President Cheney wants a torture exemption for the CIA. What kind of America are we living in? Speaking of the CIA, the Washington Post had a story recently about CIA secret prisons in several foreign countries. The Republicans in Congress were outraged at that report and immediately launched an investigation. Into the prisons? No, into the leak of information to the Washington Post. That same week, the Senate Republicans, including Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, voted to deny Guantanamo Bay prisoners their habeas corpus rights, thereby standing on the wrong side of a basic premise of Western Civilization. Add to that:
I want to get back to the America I thought I grew up in. I want those values I learned in public school to again be at the top of the national agenda. I want to be proud of America again. But I also want to go beyond the values we had back then. It's time we had national health care; a minimum wage that is a living wage; enforcement of environmental laws that protect our air, water, land, and native species; a fair and progressive tax code; as well as new laws and trade agreements that encourage the rebuilding of the American middle class and that discourage the outsourcing of jobs. That's why I'm running for U.S. Senate, for the seat now held by Olympia Snowe. The contrast of our respective world views is stark. Olympia Snowe voted for the Iraq War, for the Patriot Act, for the Bankruptcy Bill. She voted to continue the Nuclear Bunker Buster weapons program, voted against raising the minimum wage. She voted to confirm John Roberts as Chief Justice, a move that surprised many of the women's groups which had supported her for years. A face-off between Olympia Snowe and me next November will give Maine voters a real choice. It will be a choice between nothing less than accepting the bankrupt Republican agenda or changing the dynamic in Washington to an America we can be proud of again. Earlier this month, we Mainers voted for the Maine we want to live in, and I applaud the result of that vote. Next November, when voting for the U.S. Senator we want to represent us in Washington, Mainers will be voting not just for a candidate, but for the Maine, the America and the world we want to live in. My belief is that most Maine voters do in fact share my views and my values. My hope is that they will vote to send me to Washington so I can help bring those values and views to fruition. :: back to top