Democrat explores run for Snowe's seat
Bangor Daily News by Jeff Tuttle
February 26-27, 2005
Democrat Jean Hay Bright on Friday became the first from her party to officially explore the possibility of running against U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe in 2006. The Dixmont author and organic farmer set up the exploratory committee, a traditional first step of many campaigns, to gauge a challenge to Maine's senior senator, who will be seeking her third term. "I believe that the energy is out there, and the time is right, for Maine to make a positive statement of where we want this country to go, and what we want it to look like, by electing a progressive Democrat to one of Maine's two U.S. Senate seats," Hay Bright, 57, wrote on her Web site. Hay Bright is no stranger to politics, having run twice before for federal office. In 1994, she lost in the Democratic primary for the 2nd Congressional District seat. In 1996, she lost her primary bid for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Snowe [sic]. Should she run again, it's unlikely Hay Bright will be alone in her quest to unseat Snowe, who thus far has proven unbeatable in her political career. "We've already got people lining up," Maine Democratic Party chairman Pat Colwell said Friday, without specifying individuals. Correcting the Record BDN Feb. 29, 2005 A story published Feb. 26 on Page 4 of the State section about Democrat Jean Hay Bright's possible 2006 bid for the U.S. Senate incorrectly reported that she ran in the 1996 primary for the U.S. Senate seat later won by Republican Olympia Snowe. Snowe's first Senate win was in 1994. Susan Collins won the 1996 U.S. Senate race in Maine. :: back to top